Lost Sambista

A Brazil never seen.

Archive for the category “videos”

Kosher Capoeira

Amazing drone video of Praia do Forte

amazing video of Praia do Forte Bahia

Presenting the film, o Danado do Samba

Beautiful Brazilian story


Chico Buarque fala sobre racismo

Amazing video of Rio de Janeiro


Brazilian Carnival – 1970’s

A short film by Rodrigo Amarante editing together his family’s Super-8 films shot during a Carnival in Saquarema in the 1970’s.

A great illustration about what Lost and what Samba.

Brazil-Africa magic

What happens when you get the best of Brazilian rock in the eighties and take them to Mali?


Surf in the seventies in Rio de Janeiro

Vintage Surf sequences in Rio de Janeiro

Check out the link above and if you want to know more about surf in Rio in the seventies check out these Lost Samba articles:

Surf 01

Surf 02

Surf 03


Brazil and the worst of capitalism

With big investments pouring into the country for the 2016 Olympics and the next FIFA World Cup, Brazil is facing a new and dangerous cycle as the one begun with the construction of Brasilia around sixty years ago. This is not a pattern exclusive to Brazil and we have seen it in European, African and Asian countries before.

What happens is that big money pours into a country that is “tagged” as promising and to maximize profits, the astronomical funds are dealt by their worst citizens, corrupt politicians and businessmen with no scruples or responsibility, who make fortunes and leave the rest of the country’s population with unpayable debts after the show is over.

We only need to take a look at what happened recently with the European Union, which only twenty years ago was labeled as the greatest business opportunity ever, or with what happened in Brazil several times before. We could not fail to mention Greece, who also hosted the Olympic games and now is in brink of total disruption. We  wish the Brazilian protesters success and worry about the aftermath of Brazil’s current “Golden Days”.

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